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A Hymn A Day – First Series

A HYMN A DAY: Choices for a different theme every day for a year. Contributed by Bernard Braley

How do those using HymnQuest begin to look at the thousands of full texts to see which have treasure for them? This article suggests how you can discover the work of some modern writers by exploring just one a day.


You can begin this programme at any time. It is not intended to relate to the Liturgical Year. Every hymn comes from a different Theme list. The full text of these hymns is contained in HymnQuest.

This particular listing relates to the work of authors and translators who were alive in the twentieth century, comes from major and minor authors and a cross-section of traditions. The list includes items that some would more properly call songs rather than hymns.

001 CELTIC CHRISTIANITY. From Erin’s shores Columba came
002 FINAL DESTINY. Child of the stable’s secret birth
003 BODY OF CHRIST-THE CHURCH. Called to one faith and receiving one Spirit
004 HUNGER. When the Church of Jesus
005 BODY-HUMAN. Celebrate all human beauty
006 NAZARETH-BIBLE. Christ the worker, Christ the worker
007 RESURRECTION AND ASCENSION: Christ is alive! Let Christians sing
008 CHRIST THE KING. Christ for all! Christ for all!
009 NEW LIFE IN CHRIST. Cloth for the cradle, cradle for the child

010 WALKING WITH GOD. Come, let us walk this road together
011 JUDAS-BIBLE. God of wilderness and jungle
012 TRANSFORMING. God grant that we may be transformed
013 CHERISHING THE EARTH. God in his love for us lent us this planet
014 SERVANT-OTHERS-SERVANT. God is here! As we his people
015 CURSE. When the poor man asks for money
016 ASCENSION AND REIGN OF CHRIST Christ is going to the Father
017 CAESAREA PHILLIPI. Christ is preached in Caesarea
018 DESERT. For forty days and forty nights
019 BROTHER. Christ is the world’s light, he and none other

020 BROTHERHOOD. Christ let us come with you
021 DISCIPLES. Christ, the teacher of disciples
022 JUBILEE. Every fiftieth year set the captives free
023 YOUTH. Christ be my leader by night as by day
024 WOMEN DISCIPLES. Christian people, raise your song
025 ASSURANCE. Christians, raise your voices
026 BLISS. Christmas news! Christ is born
027 TRIUMPHANT. Clap your hands, all you nations
028 BIGOTRY. Come, all who look to Christ today
029 WELCOME. Come and join the celebration, it’s a very special day

030 ANGUISH. Come, great Creator Spirit: hear
031 JUDGEMENT DAY. When the nations meet before him
032 UPPER ROOM. Come, risen Lord, and deign to be our guest
033 NURSES. Wounded world cries out for healing
034 WEAVES Weave a way through broken hopes
035 PAINTING. Come to us, creative Spirit
036 ANOINTED. Commissioned and anointed
037 WISDOM. Creator of the earth and skies
038 COVENANT. Creatures once in safety held (Covenant)
039 BARABBAS-BIBLE. A chattering parakeet in a garden

040 BIRTH-HUMAN. A child was born and Sarah laughed
041 ANNIVERSARIES. A church is heaven’s gate
042 OCEANS. Some days the fog comes creeping
043 BIRTH-CHRISTMAS. A cry in the night
044 BOND. A father stoops to lift a weary toddler
045 SAINTS. A glorious company we sing
046 ADVENT. A is for Advent
047 NURTURE. Warm God of seeds, all nature’s source
048 BAPTISM. A little child in a bed of night
049 BLOOD. A parent’s heart will feel the hurt

050 BAPTISM OF JESUS. A ragged, rugged, honeyed rogue
051 PARENTS. We bring thanks to you, loving parent-God
052 NAMES OF JESUS. Above the clash of creeds
053 BENEDICITE. Acclaim with jubilation
054 ARMS RACE. Across the generations, the Lord who made us all
055 ABSOLUTION. Holy Spirit, ever dwelling
056 ALIENATION Holy Spirit, storm of love
057 BEATITUDES How blest are the poor
058 APPROACH TO GOD. Against the clock, within this bounded place
059 JUDGEMENT DAY: When the nations meet before him

060 SORROW. Ah, holy Jesus, how have you offended?
061 ASPIRATION. Air and water, fire and earth
062 DEVOTION TO GOD. All authority is yours
063 ANGELS All heaven rings with joyful songs
064 BUTLER-JOSEPHINE. For God’s sake, let us dare
065 BLESSING. For the gift of laughter
066 PEACE OF THE WORLD. For the healing of the nations
067 ANIMALS. All of the creatures God had made came to the ark
068 JULIAN OF NORWICH. All shall be well, in love enclosed
069 HUNGER FOR RIGHTEOUSNESS. All who are thirsty, come to the Lord

070 DISTRESS. There’s a boy all alone in the streets of grey
071 ASCENSION. Alleluia, alleluia! Heaven’s gates are opened wide
072 STEWARDSHIP. Almighty Father, who for us thy Son didst give
073 WEAKNESS. God of grace and God of glory
074 BALM. God of grace and God of laughter
075 BLINDNESS-SPIRITUAL. God of love and truth and beauty
076 ADAM-BIBLE. Almighty God, you made us in your image
077 ASCENDED MANHOOD. Although our Lord has left us
078 BIBLE NAMES AND PLACES. Am I my brother’s keeper?
079 FOOT-WASHING. An Upper Room did our Lord prepare

080 BREAD AND WINE. And are the bread and wine your body, Lord
081 INDECISION. Under the cloak of evening
082 ARISE. Arise and shine! Your light has come.
083 CONGREGATION. As a congregation gathered
084 MOTHERLIKE-GOD. As a mother for her children
085 RECONCILIATION. ‘Forgive our sins as we forgive’
086 SERENITY. Forgotten for eternity-is that to be my destiny
087 BANQUET. Forsaking chariots of fire
088 COMPASSION. Four friends brought to Capernaum
089 BREAD OF LIFE. As earth that is dry and parched in the sun

090 GOOD SAMARITAN. As helpless here a stranger lies
091 WEDDING. As man and woman we were made
092 WOMAN AT THE WELL. There was a woman who thought she wanted water
093 EASTER DAWN. At break of day three women came
094 AUTUMN. Autumn days when the grass is jewelled
095 REIGN OF CHRIST. Away with gloom, away with doubt
096 MONARCH. Beat the drums of welcome
097 BEAUTY. Beauty for brokenness
098 ASHAMED. Because you came and sat beside us
099 DIVORCE. The vows we made, we made in good faith

100 MORNING. Before you start the day
101 ANGER. Beneath the calm that masquerades as faith
102 SPIRIT OF ADOPTION. Born by the Holy Spirit’s breath
103 CREATION-GOD’S ACT. Born in song
104 WOMAN WHO TOUCHED JESUS. She was made in God’s image, yet bent to the earth
105 CHILD. Born in the night, Mary’s child
106 WATER. Born of the water
107 PAUL-BIBLE-SAINT. Breathing hate, the huntsman hurries
108 BONHOEFFER-DIETRICH. By gracious powers, so wonderfully sheltered
109 ADAM AND EVE-BIBLE. By the fault of man and woman

110 ATONEMENT. Dear God, who bore our weight of woe
111 EAGLE. Dear Mother God, your wings are warm around us
112 EXODUS. Deep in the shadows of the past
113 BETRAYAL-BETRAYED. ‘Do quickly what you have to do’, the Master said
114 AWE. Approach with awe this holiest place
115 BETHLEHEM-BIBLE. Donkey plod and Mary ride
116 ACTION. Don’t tell me of a faith that fears
117 ANGEL. Don’t wait for an angel
118 CONTENTMENT. Each morning, Lord, I wake
119 BIRDS. Eagles spirallings comply

120 ARROGANCE. Earthly authorities in church and state
121 BLAME. Everyone says, it’s not my fault
122 ANCHOR. Faith, hope, love-these three shall continue
123 ABRAHAM-BIBLE. Faith while trees are still in blossom
124 ANDREW-BIBLE-SAINT. Far from the markets of rich meat and wine
125 WORSHIP. Father in heaven, grant to your children
126 MIND. Give to me, Lord, a thankful heart
127 APPROACH TO GOD. Gladly we come
128 ALL SAINTS. Glory to thee, O God
129 PURPOSE OF CHURCH Go forth and tell! O church of God, awake!

130 BREAD OF HEAVEN. Father most loving, listen to thy children
131 BROTHERS AND SISTERS. Father, we thank you for the light
132 FOOD. Feed us now, O Son of God
133 FORGIVENESS BY GOD. Feed us with forgiveness
134 FRANCIS OF ASSISSI. Rise, repair my church today
135 ABEL-BIBLE. Fierce the force that curled Cain’s fist
136 WIND. Filled with the Spirit’s power, with one accord
137 BEGINNING. First and best beloved
138 JORDAN-BIBLE. Jesus came a-preaching by the Jordan river
139 BOLDNESS. For all the world Christ died to purchase pardon

140 ARTISTS. For the man and for the woman
141 BONES. From bones, a mighty army
142 BORN IN US. Child of joy and peace
143 ADVOCATE Gift of Christ, from God our Father
144 BLESSINGS. Give praise to God who reigns above
145 PAIN. God is Love: let heaven adore him
146 FRAILTY. He walks where I walk
147 HILDEGARDE OF BINGEN-SAINT. Hildegarde of faith unbending
148 COUNSELLOR-HUMAN. God grant us words to speak
149 ARMED SERVICES. God of the nations, hear our prayer

150 HOME AND FAMILY. Happy the home that welcomes you, Lord Jesus
151 WHOLENESS. Have faith in God, my heart
152 LIFE AND DEATH. He gave his life in selfless love
153 WASH. Heaven shall not wait
154 PILGRIMS. God speaks, and all things come to be
155 GETHSEMANE. Into a desert place, he wandered alone
156 BELIEVE. God.who hast caused to be written thy word for our learning
157 RAIN. God, whose farm is all creation
158 BEGINNING OF WORSHIP. Here again assembled
159 ETERNAL LOVE. Here, Lord, we come to you

160 MINISTRY OF CHRIST. Hidden Christ, alive for ever
161 THANKSGIVING. God, whose love we cannot measure
162 SCIENCE. God, you have given is power to sound
163 ACTIVE LOVE. God you meet us in our weakness
164 CALVARY. In a byre near Bethlehem
165 ADVENTURE. God’s great call to faith’s adventuring
166 SENT FROM JESUS. God’s Spirit is in my heart
167 JOSEPH OF ARAMATHEA. Good Joseph had a garden
168 ASH WEDNESDAY. Holy God, of righteous glory
169 HELP AND STRENGTH FROM GOD. Broken the body hanging on the cross

170 RIVER-RIVERS. Lord, the light of your love is shining
171 DANCE. O come and join the dance that all began so long ago
172 ANSWER. How many are against me, Lord
173 BEACON How small a spark has lit a living fire!
174 OFFERING-OF SELF. Humbly in your sight, we come together, God
175 EMMAUS-BIBLE. I am the danger that you crucify
176 FOLLOWING JESUS. I am the way and I realise the goal of it
177 VINE I am the way: come follow me
178 POLITICS Power stalks the earth by purpose and accident
179 PATIENCE Travelling the road to freedom

180 STILLING THE STORM. I cannot tell why he, whom angels worship
181 RISK. Leave your country and your people
182 BALL-HANNAH. Lest we forget, let young and old
183 BOW DOWN. Let all be one in mind and heart
184 BODY-CHRIST’S HUMAN. Image and likeness of God is our union
185 AMOS-BIBLE. In affairs of economics
186 BEGGARS. I come like a beggar
187 ECOLOGY. Sing praise to God n mountain top
188 ANNUNCIATION. Mary, Mary, quite contrary
189 ADOPTION. Master, by your world of welcome

190 BURIAL OF JESUS. Meet him on the towering gibbet
191 STRANGERS. I come with joy, a child of God
192 ACCEPTANCE. In the singing, in the silence
193 AGONY. In the womb of eternal being
194 ADMIRATION. In these days of heroes, Lord
195 SHELTER. When I needed a neighbour, were you there?
196 BELLS. Let bells peal forth the universal flame
197 INSPIRATION. Let every Christian pray
198 ANOINTED KING. Let kings and prophets yield their name
199 BREAKING OF BREAD. I sing of a mother and manger

200 HOUSE OF PRAYER. Our founders cleared an open field
201 NATURE. Take heart, friends and neighbours
202 STRENGTHENING. Tempted, and in the wilderness
203 MOSES-BIBLE. ‘Moses, I know you’re the man’
204 BATTLES-EARTHLY. Must the sword devour for eve
205 BABY. My new born, I prayed for you
206 TREE. If the Lord had not been near
207 NEIGHBOUR-NEIGHBOURS. If our God had only called us
208 BOMBS. If you think with a bomb
209 POVERTY. I sit outside the rich world’s gate

210 COUNSELLOR-HOLY SPIRIT. I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh
211 FREE. O Lord of the Kingdom where losing is winning
212 GIFTS OF THE SPIRIT. Of all the Spirit’s gifts to me
213 TRANSFIGURATION. Once on a mountain-top
214 BROKEN HEART. I will thank the Lord in joy and sorrow
215 SUN AND MOON. With wonder, Lord, we see your works
216 BLINDNESS. Within a womb of darkness
217 CHRISTMAS. Woman bearing Jesus
218 COMMUNITY. Worker God, who planned creation
219 TEARS. Your love, O Christ, is near to me

220 RESTORATION. Your will for us and others, Lord
221 ZACCHAEUS-BIBLE. Zacchaeus was a lonely man
222 WRESTLING WITH GOD. I wrested with a man on the slopes of a hillside
223 CARE FOR OTHERS. In Christ we join to sing with praise
224. BREATH. In him we knew a fullness never known before
225. ANXIETY. In the lash of the wind
226. SOCIAL CONCERN. Inspired by love and anger, disturbed by need and pain
227. BREATH OF GOD. Into a world of dark
228. ROCK. It is God who holds the nations in the hollow of his hand
229 LEPROSY. Will you come and follow me

230 ART AND SKILL. Wise One, you made us to share your delight
231 BUREAUCRACY With fervent dedication
232 RACES-OF HUMANITY. Jesu, Jesu, fill us with your love
233 AUTHORITY. Jesus called his team together
234 BRIDEGROOM. It shocked them that the Master did not fast
235 WASTE. Lord, bring the day to pass
236 VICTORY Lord Christ, we praise your sacrifice
237 BREATHING THE SPIRIT. It was dark in the dawn of time
238 CARPENTER. It was on a Friday morning
239 BOATS. It’s a sunny day with a pleasant breeze

240 REGUGE. Jesus is our refuge
241 BRIDGE-BRIDGES OF CHRIST. Let all the earth resound with praise this day
242 SEA. Let us sing to the God of salvation
243 ASCENSION, RETURN AND GLORY. Lo! God’s Son is now ascended
244 BETHANY-BIBLE. Poor Lazarus is sick
245 TRAINING. Powerful in making us wise to salvation
246 STRUGGLE. Praise God for the harvest of farm and of field
247 ARREST OF JESUS. Jesus, our master, on the night they came
248 BROADCASTING. Lord of every art and science
249 TIME. Lord of the boundless curves of space

250 MAGNIFICAT. Tell out, my soul, the greatness of the Lord!
251 BIBLE. Thanks be to God, who has given us our Bible
252 WORD OF GOD-JESUS. Thanks to God whose Word was spoken
253 VOWS. Jesus the Lord of love and life
254 PARABLES. Jesus the Lord said: ‘I am the Bread
255 DAVID-BIBLE. King of kings and Lord of lords, and Maker of all is he
256 PROVIDENCE. Long ago, prophets knew
257 BENEDICTION. Lord, for the gift of this new day!
258 SKILL-SKILLS. Lord God, in whom all worlds
259 AGONY OF JESUS. Lord Jesus Christ, upon the night of your great agony

260 SLEEP. Lord of all hopefulness, Lord of all joy
261 WRATH. O Christ the Lord, O Christ the King
262 EASTER. O crucified and risen Lord
263 ANNE-SAINT. O Father of our Virgin-Queen
264 BABYLON-BIBLE. Lord of the brave in every age
265 AMBASSADORS. Lord, renew my faith to live
266 ATROCITIES. The horrors of our history
267 SEED. The Word of Life and Lord of Love
268 TOWER. Thee will I love, my God and King
269 BURDEN. There is a world where people come and go

270 OMNISCIENCE. There is no moment of my life
271 IGNORANCE. Lord, save thy world: in bitter need
272 CAREER. Lord, we offer you our cities
273 NEW SONG. New songs of celebration render
274 BEREAVEMENT. No one understands the anguish
275 HIDDEN. Now is eternal life
276 HUMILITY. Now join we to praise the creator
277 RENEWAL. Now let us from this table rise
278 CITY LIFE. When Mary gave birth to her child in the straw
279 MATURE. When our confidence is shaken

280 BOOK. When prison walls extend their reach
281 BURNING BUSH. When we are tempted in our pride
282 AFFIRMATION. Where can we find the God who made
283 ARMOUR OF GOD. Lord, we would put around ourselves
284 SACRAMENTS. Lord, you give to us
285 BENEDICTUS. Our God and Father, bless
286 BREAD OF THE WORLD. Our hunger cries from plenty Lord
287 TROUBLES. Our troubles do abound
288 WONDER. Lord, you have searched and known my ways
289 BRIDE Love it is unites us

290 LONELINESS. Mid the grime of city buildings and the crowds in city streets
291 FAMINE. O Father, whose creating hand
292 ANOINTING OF JESUS O light whose splendour heals and gladdens
293 GREED. O gentle Sower, cast your holy grain
294 BABEL-BIBLE. See them building Babel’s tower
295 ACCLAMATION. Shake the earth, O mighty Saviour
296 BERRY. Sing high with the holly
297 ARM. Sing merrily to God
298 DELIGHT IN CREATION. Sing of the grandeur, which is God
299 SACRIFICE AND TRIUMPH. O God, O Spirit known to us

300 APOSTLES. One holy apostolic church
301 TRAVELLING. One more step along the world I go
302 ANANIAS-BIBLE. Praise God who has offered the prize which is priceless
303 ALMIGHTY. Praise the Almighty, for all praise is due to him
304 BOOTH-WILLIAM. Praise the Lord for pioneers
305 GOVERNMENT When God Almighty came to be one of us
306 BAPTISM AND TEMPTATIONS OF JESUS. When he was baptised in Jordan
307 AIDS-HIV. When illness meets denial and rejection
308 MUSICIANS. When, in our music, God is glorified
309 BARTIMAEUS-BIBLE. When Jesus the healer walked through Galilee

310 EYES. Open my eyes that I may see, Lord, you are present
311 BENEDICT-SAINT Our blessed Father, Benedict
312 INDUSTRY. Out of nothing, God Almighty
313..PLEASURE-PLEASURES. Praise the Lord, the ground of goodness
314 TRIAL. Pray for the Church, afflicted and oppressed
315 DOUBT-DOUBTS. Prepare before you pray to God
316 MARTYRS. Rejoice, O people, in the mounting years
317 BELL-RINGING. Ring out the bells-the joyful news is breaking
318 PREACHER. That mighty resurrected Word
319 BIBLE-READING. The Bible speaks in many tongues

320 ALPHA. The bread of life, the carpenter’s own son
321 CHURCH UNIVERSAL. The church of Christ, in every age
322 ABSURD. Sad clown with wounds, you gave your joy away
323 STONES CRY OUT. See him lying in a bed of straw
324 BEFRIEND. Sing praise to Wisdom, all-gentle, the heart of creation
325 ARK OF MERCY. What Adam’s disobedience cost
326 ORPHAN-ORPHANS. What does the Lord require
327 UNITY IN CHRIST. What shall our greeting be?
328 BROKEN. When all the framework of our life
329 ANNA-SAINT-BIBLE. When candles are lighted on Candlemas Day

330 ARK OF THE COVENANT. When David found his rest
331 THOMAS-BIBLE-SAINT. When Easter to the dark world came
332 BELL. Ring the bells of Bethlehem
333 PENTECOST. Sing to him, in whom creation
334 ACCIDENT. So death strides on and claims another victim
335 BETHEL-BIBLE. The God who spoke at Haran
336 HUNGER. There’s a spirit in the air
337 BRAIN. They say that God who made the world
338 FLOWERS. Think of a world without any flowers
339 AGRICULTURE. This is our harvest, season of fruitfulness

340 BORN OF GOD. This is the truth which we proclaim
341 AMBITION. Venturing God, who made your human creatures
342 BLESSING OF A CIVIL MARRIAGE. We form a circle (sign of celebration)
343 MISSION AND EVANGELISM. We have a gospel to proclaim
344 BARRIERS. The crippled hands reached out to cross
345 UNBELIEF. This joyful Eastertide, what need is there for grieving?
346 REWARD. Timeless love! We sing the story
347 PALM SUNDAY. Trotting, trotting through Jerusalem
348 ALBAN-SAINT. True, merciful and brave, the saint whose name
349 BROTHERS’ QUARRELTwo brothers come to blows

350 BRUISED. Underneath the present suffering
351 BUILD. Unless the Lord has built the house
352 BONIFACE-SAINT. We honour, one in Christ, this
353 AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL. We light a candle for a life
354 JUSTICE. We pray for peace but not the easy peace
355 BLAZE-FIRE. We step beyond existence
356 ART IN WORSHIP. We tingle with excitement at the knowledge
357 UNEMPLOYMENT. Yours the city, yours the city
358 EZEKIEL. As riddles ramify the prophet’s prose
359 GIVER OF LIFE. Life is great! So sing about it

360 PEACE-PERSONAL. Bring forth the fruit of the Spirit in your life
361 FEAR OF DARK. The God of hope is God who comes
362 DEW. Gaze upon the hills of Zion
363 MALICE. Lord of all my footsteps
364 HEALING OF SOCIETY. Downtrodden Christ, to you we pray
365 PENTECOST TO-DAY. We turn to you, O God of every nation


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