Yours is the kingdom forever more, amen
Townend, Stuart / Getty, Keith
Yours is the kingdom, the power
Bilbrough, Dave
Yours is the kingdom, the pow'r and the glory
Herbert, Nick / James, Marc
Yours is the name by which we are saved
Lawson-Johnston, Philip
Yours is the name we will honour without reservation
Leckebusch, Martin Ernest
Yours is the praise
Job, John B.
Yours, Lord, is the greatness
Thomas, Helen
Yours, Lord, wanna be wholly yours
Bryant, Dave
Yours the city, yours the city
Vincent, John
Yours the glory and the crown
Saward, Michael John
Yours the greatness, Lord, the glory
Mowbray, David
Yours, the mercy to forgive
Robinson, Suzan
Yours the name of tender mercy
Turl, Emma
Yours will be the only name
Cowart, Benji
Youth of the world, arise
Canadian Youth Hymnbook
You've been our home
Walker, Tommy
You've called me into light, breathed your word of life
Scott, Gareth / Moore, Phil / Howson, Sue
You've called us as your church, Lord
Fawcett, Nick
You've carried your burden, you've carried it long
Booth, Cornelie Ida Ernestine (née Schoch)
You've closed your ears
Flannagan, Andy
You've drawn me to your side
Sadler, Gary
You've given me a new song to sing
Wilmont, Sarahanne / Smyth, Neil
You've given us a heart
Rend Collective Experiment
You've got plans to give us a future and a hope
Hughes, Tim / Herbert, Nick
You've got to move when the Spirit says move
Anonymous Afro-American
You've got to walk that lonesome valley
Anonymous Afro-American
You've gotta be fit for the King
Edgeley, Brian
You've gotta move when the Spirit says move
You've granted perfect merit
Busbee, Mike / Fellingham, Nathan
You've had mercy on me
James, Marc
You've joined our hearts
You've only just begun to show your greatness and power
Lehman, Andy / Keyes, Aaron / Garrard, Stuart David
You've opened up my eyes
Mawhinney, Phil / Parks, Johnny
You've placed a hunger in my heart
Townend, Stuart
You've placed a song within my heart
Martin, Lara
You've put a new song in my mouth
Redman, Matt
You've touched my heart
Bennetts, Neil
You've touched my life
Matheson, John
Yrku, yrku, yrku
Anonymous Czech
Yu Yesu hul lin pi
Park, Tai Jun
Z hlubokosti volám k tobe (Czech translation)
Tranovský, Jirí / Luther, Martin
Za reke wez mnie, Panie i prowadz sam (Polish translation)
Anonymous Polish / Hausmann, Julie Katharina von
Zacchaeus in the pay of Rome
Green, Frederick Pratt
Zacchaeus was a lonely man
Herklots, Rosamond Eleanor
Zacchaeus was a very little man
Zacchaeus was a very little man (Walking by the River Version)
Idle, Christopher Martin
Zacchaeus was a wealthy man
Thomas, Ruth Patricia
Zamiranza, zamiranza
Shona, Zimbabwe
Zani Kwa Yesu
Chavura, E.
'Zbudzcie sie', tak ci wolaja (Polish translation)
Syjonska, Harfa / Nicolai, Philipp
Že jutranje je sonce vzšlo (Slovenian translation)
Anonymous Slovenian / Anonymous Latin
Zeal is that pure and heavenly flame
Newton, John
Zeal of the Lord, for ever burning
Dearmer, Percy
Zezulka z lesa vylítla, kuku!
Jakubicková (Forenames unknown) (Collector)
Zingt een nieuw lied voor God den Here (Dutch translation)
Wit, Jan / Nordholt, Jan Willem Schulte / Chapal, Roger
Zion, founded on the mountain
Praise Trust / The Psalter (1912)
Zion, sing in exultation
Quinn, James / Thomas Aquinas
Zion stands by hills surrounded
Kelly, Thomas
Zion! the city of our God
Newton, John
Zion, to thy Saviour singing
Thompson, Alexander Ramsay / Thomas Aquinas
Zion's king shall reign victorious
Kelly, Thomas
Zions vægter hæver røsten (Danish translation)
Landstad, Magnus Brostrup / Nicolai, Philipp
Zip bam boo, zama lama la boo
McClellan, Sue / Paculabo, John / Ryecroft, Keith E.
Zolang er Mensen zijn op aarde (Original Norwegian)
Oosterhuis, Huub
Zomaar een dak boven wat hoofden
Oosterhuis, Huub
Zonne der gerechtigheid (Dutch translation)
Besten, Ad den / Mooi, Frederik / Riethmüller, Otto
Zonse zimene n'za Chauta wathu (Original Malawi)
Traditional Malawi
Zopheras trikumias
Zpivejte Pánu nové pisne (Czech translation)
Šebesta, František / Radechovská, Slavie / Chapal, Roger
Zu Bethlehem geboren
Kölner Psalter (1638)
Zu dir wir flehn, zu dir uns sehn' (German Translation)
Werner, Dietrich / Good, Linnea