A debtor to mercy alone
Toplady, Augustus Montague
A debtor to mercy alone (Believers Hymn Book Version)
Toplady, Augustus Montague
A debtor to mercy alone (The Gospel Hymn Book Version)
Toplady, Augustus Montague
A debtor to mercy alone (The Keswick Hymn Book Version)
Toplady, Augustus Montague
A depth of satisfaction
Leckebusch, Martin Ernest
A Dhia is a Athair
Anonymous Irish
A Dios dad gracias, dad honor (Spanish translation)
Fliedner, Federico / Decius, Nikolaus (oka Nicolaus à Curia)
A Dios la gloria por siempre
Anonymous Peruvian
A donkey brought you into sight
Campbell, John
A door can bar the way
Wren, Brian Arthur
Å du heilage, nådeberande (Norwegian translation)
Slapgard, Bjarne / Falk, Johannes Daniel / Holzschüher, Heinrich
A faithful Saviour and unending in mercy
Morris, David Lyle / Forster, Faith
A farmer sowed his precious seed
Turl, Emma
A farmer went into his field, his fieldy wieldy, fieldy wieldy field
Fischbacher, Stephen
A farmer went to sow his land
Hodgetts, Michael William
A father loved both his sons
Ainger, Lois M.
A father stoops to lift a weary toddler
Boyce-Tillman, June (née Boyce, June and formerly Tillman, June)
A Father to the fatherless
Oakley, Paul
A feast for the nations, the Christ is exalted
Pratt, Andrew Edward
A feast of joy unspeakable is spread
MacGregor, Malcolm
A feather of grace that puts love in the balance
Pratt, Andrew Edward
A fervent prayer is rising
Turl, Emma
A few more marchings weary
Authorship not stated
A few more years shall roll
Bonar, Horatius
A few more years shall roll (Redemption Songs Version)
Bonar, Horatius
A fierce unrest seethes at the core
Marquis, Don
A fig tree is leaning its branches down low
Boyce-Tillman, June (née Boyce, June and formerly Tillman, June)
A fire goes before him
Stradwick, Don
A fire-mist and a planet
Carruth, William Herbert
A form of words, though e'er so sound
Hart, Joseph
A fortress sure is God our king
Thring, Godfrey / Luther, Martin
A fountain! cries the man of God
Cennick, John
A frame so beautifully formed
Dunnett, Ben / Dunnett, Hannah
A friend got up in meeting
Blissett, Paul
A friend I have called Jesus
Worrell, Edna Randolph
A friend I have called Jesus (Redemption Songs Version)
Worrell, Edna Randolph
A friend of Jesus, O(h), what bliss
Ludgate, Joseph C.
A friend there is, your voices join
Swain, Joseph
A fulness resides in Jesus our head
Fawcett, John
A generous balance where sharing is normal
Pratt, Andrew Edward
A gentile was I, a stranger to God
Ferguson, Colin
A gift that is practical
Campbell, John
A girl was born in Nazareth
Connaughton, Luke [Pseudonyms: Icarus, Peter and Smith, J]
A gladsome hymn of praise we sing
Blatchford, Ambrose Nichols
A gladsome hymn of praise we sing (Sunday School Hymnary Version)
Blatchford, Ambrose Nichols
Å gledesfylte stund! (Norwegian translation)
Ellingsen, Svein / David's Psalmen Oudaen (1685 Amsterdam)
A glorious company we sing
Bayly, Albert Frederick
A glorious invitation
Authorship not stated
A glory dawns in every dark place
Cosnett, Elizabeth J.
A glory fills the midnight sky
Dudley-Smith, Timothy
A glory gilds the sacred page
Cowper, William
A God and yet a man?... wit
Laycock, Geoffrey Newton Stephen / Petti, Gaetano Raphael G. [Pseudonym: Petti, Anthony] / Rawlinson MS B332
A God and yet a man?... mind
Kiteley, John F. / Rawlinson MS B332
A God-fearing woman
Golders Green Carmel
A God of surprises beyond expectation
Pratt, Andrew Edward
A good high priest is come
Cennick, John
A good high priest is come (New Bible Hymn-Book Version)
Cennick, John
A great and awesome sign
Psalmody Committee of the Free Church of Scotland
A great and mighty wonder
Neale, John Mason / Germanus
A great and mighty wonder (Jubilate variant)
Jubilate Hymns / Neale, John Mason / Germanus
A great and mighty wonder (Monastic variant)
Hymns for Prayer and Praise (1996 The Panel of Monastic Musicians) / Germanus
A great and mighty wonder (Perry variant)
Perry, Michael Arnold (Pseudonym sometimes used: Word and Music) / Neale, John Mason / Germanus
A great and mighty wonder (The Carol Book Version)
Neale, John Mason / Germanus
A great and mighty wonder (The Christian Life Hymnal Version)
Neale, John Mason / Germanus
A growing town, a growing need
Hoare, Brian Richard
A hand all bruised and bleeding is knocking at the door
Authorship not stated
A handsome lad, but who would choose
Pratt, Andrew Edward
A heart of love the Lord displays
Dudley-Smith, Timothy
A heart that centers, Lord, on you
Troeger, Thomas H.
A heavenly splendour from on high
Timms, George Boorne
A heavenly splendour from on high (Hymns for Prayer and Praise Revised Edition)
Timms, George Boorne
A hidden birth, unnoticed, unseen:
Campbell, John
A hiding place from every storm
Slater, Richard
A hill beside Jerusalem
Price, R. K. / Reddin, C. E.
A hint of dawn dispels the gloom
Dudley-Smith, Timothy
A holy baby is born in Judah's Bethlehem
Colvin, Thomas Stevenson
A holy blest simplicity
Gambold, John / Spangenberg, August Gottlieb
A holy father's constant care
Darby, John Nelson
A holy heart
Hall, Charlie
A holy roar
Ingram, Jason / Tomlin, Chris / Cash, Ed
'A home is where the heart is' - you've often heard it said
Burling, Donald A. G.
A homeless stranger amongst us came
Authorship not stated
A house has different rooms
Kaan, Frederik Herman
A house of prayer, where all may come
Dobson, Marjorie
A humble heart you have yet to despise
Houston, Brian
A humble ox is all I am
Gaunt, Alan
A hundred years! a hundred years, O Lord
Tabor, Roger Martin
A hundred years! How small a part
Green, Frederick Pratt
A hymn of glory let us sing!
Lutheran Book of Worship 1978 / Bede, The Venerable
A Íosa a Aon-Mhic an Athar's a Uain
Ghunna, Cathal Buí Mac Giolla
A Íosa, a Íosa
Dhuibhir, Máire Ní / Traditional Irish
A Íosa bháin, id' láthair gheod
Anonymous Irish
A Íosa, glan mo choríse
Anonymous Irish
A Íosa mhilis
Ahern, Patrick Mgr.
A is for Advent
Hambly, Cyril Grey
A ivangeli ya famba
Traditional Xitswa, Mozambique
A job to do! Caring, loving
Hilton, Donald Harold
A joy that keeps overflowing
Baker, Geoff
A joyful hymn of praise we sing
Blatchford, Ambrose Nichols
A King like this
Tomlin, Chris / Myrin, Jonas / Redman, Matt