You're higher, higher, higher than the heavens
Laim, Dominik
You're his disciples
Walker, D. Margaret
You're holding on to me
Brading, Simon / Brading, Anna
You're Jesus, ruler of the universe
Rogers, Andrew / Rogers, Shirley
You're King, and you reign over all things
Luce, Carey / Latty, Geraldine Agatha
You're like the rose of Sharon
Goodwin, Paul
You're marvellous, you're glorious
Riches, Tanya
You're Messiah... From all the nations we come
Thune, Jennifer
You're Messiah. You have come to the world
Thune, Jennifer
You're mighty and powerful to save
Smith, Andy
You're mighty and strong to save
Parks, Cathy / Herbert, Nick / Parks, Johnny
You're my defender, I hide my hope in you
Tyler, Michael / McClarney, Chris / Pool, Henk / Kraayenoord, Kees / Webster, Miriam / Hartley, John (born 1961)
You're my greatest love
Burt, Jules / Oakley, Paul
You're my heart's desire
Vespa, Austin / Berry, William / Fitzgerald, Dave
You're my light and my salvation
Ylvisaker, John Carl
You're my light and my salvation, through it all
Cantelon, Ben / Herbert, Nick
You're my Lord, my Christ
Field, Yvonne
You're my maker, you're my music
Robinson, Joan
You're my rock of refuge
Sadler, Gary
You're my shelter through it all
Morgan, Reuben
You're my shepherd and my guide
Shepherd, Greg
You're my solid ground
Ostby, David Andre
You're my stronghold
Lawson-Johnston, Philip
You're my supply, my breath of life
Giglio, Louie / Tomlin, Chris
You're not a God created by human hands.
McDowell, William (p.2012)
You're not finished with me yet
Rend Collective Experiment
You're not guilty anymore
Lehman, Andy / Keyes, Aaron
You're our God, our heart's desire
Drain, Wayne
You're our Saviour
Knight, Olly / James, Tom
You're praiseworthy, so praiseworthy
Herbert, Nick / Redman, Matt
You're so good to me
Evans, Darrell / Jones, Matt
You're the air that I breathe
Croft, Beth / Hughes, Tim
You're the author of creation
Townend, Stuart / Getty, Keith
You're the beginning, the now and the end
Fellingham, Louise / Fellingham, Nathan
You're the centre of the story
Fletcher, Nikki / Wardle, Joel / Redman, Matt
You're the desire of my heart
Rogers, Evan
You're the everlasting Father
Grafström, Viola
You're the Father of creation
Eastwood, Robert
You're the Father to the fatherless
Zschech, Darlene
You're the first and you're the last
Rogers, Evan
You're the giver of life
Mongan, John / Gibson, Luke
You're the glory of the ages
Cook, Steve / Cook, Vikki
You're the God of great things
Parks, Johnny
You're the God of salvation
Morton, Chris / Robb, Zac / Gregory, James
You're the God of the impossible
Griffith, Ryan
You're the God of the possible
Robinson, Noel / Redman, Matt / Myrin, Jonas / Ingram, Jason
You're the God of this city
Boyd, Aaron / Bleakley, Richard / Comfort, Peter / Kernaghan, Peter / McCann, Andrew / Jordan, Ian
You're the God who is mighty to save
Parks, Johnny / Mark, Robin
You're the greatest sign and wonder
Riley, Ken
You're the holy Lord almighty
Cole, Rick
You're the joy, joy, joy lighting my soul
Rend Collective Experiment
You're the King of all the ages
Gifford, Christa Black / Johnson, Brian / Hughes, Tim
You're the King of compassion
Rinaldi, Sue / Bonnett, Caroline
You're the King of glory, strong and mighty
Brading, Anna / Brading, Simon
You're the King of grace unending
Altrogge, Mark
You're the lifter of my head
Leavers, Greg P.
You're the light that shines in darkness
Cantelon, Ben
You're the light, you're my path
Ingram, Jason / Tomlin, Chris / Brown, Brenton / Barrett, Pat
You're the light, you're the light
Lazenby, Sarah
You're the lion of Judah
Mark, Robin
You're the Lord
Redman, Matt
You're the Lord eternal, great 'I Am'
Busbee, Mike / Fellingham, Louise / Fellingham, Nathan
You're the maker of all things
Pickford, Andy
You're the mighty God, we adore you
Cato, Laurine / Campbell, Priscilla Mae / Beswick, Mark / Robinson, Noel / Francis, Howard
You're the one that I love
Herbert, Nick / Peters, John
You're the One, the holy King
Smith, Andy
You're the one who carries me
Niedzwiedz, Mark
You're the One who flung the stars
Altrogge, Mark
You're the One who gave his Son
Parks, Johnny
You're the one who made the heavens
Brewster, Lincoln Lee / Baloche, Paul
'You're the only one who holds those views!
Sharrocks, Peter
You're the overflow
Cash, Ed / Reeves, Jesse / Tomlin, Chris
You're the reason for the morning
Barbour, Stuart
You're the reason I sing
Rend Collective Experiment
You're the rock on which I stand
Frith, Becky
You're the rock on which I'll build my church
You're the Rock, you're the Rock of Ages
Brading, Anna / Brading, Simon / Oakley, Jotham / Townend, Joseph
You're the sheep, Jesus said
Silver, Andy
You're the solid rock on which I stand
Harris, Don
You're the strength of my life
Shepherd, Greg
You're the truth in this life
Gate, David
You're the wonder of wonders
Brown, Nicole / Kennedy, Alison
You're the Word of God the Father
Townend, Stuart / Getty, Keith
You're unchanging, you're magnificent
Townend, Stuart
You're wonderful, you're marvellous
Bilbrough, Dave
You're worthy of my praise
Gibson, John
You're worthy, you're worthy, you're worthy
Redman, Matt
Yours as we stand at the table you set
Wise, Joseph Edward
Yours be the friendship of the life giving sun
Mitchell, David
Yours be the glory! risen, conquering Son
Hoyle, Richard Birch / Budry, Edmond Louis
Yours be the glory, yours, O risen friend
Green, Frederick Pratt / Budry, Edmond Louis
Yours for ever, God of love
Maude, Mary Fawler (née Hooper)
Yours for ever, God of love (Jubilate version)
Jubilate Hymns / Maude, Mary Fawler (née Hooper)
Yours for ever! God of love (One Family Version)
Maude, Mary Fawler (née Hooper)
Yours is all the splendour
Leckebusch, Martin Ernest
Yours is the earth, O Lord
Fraser, Ian Masson
Yours is the glory, resurrected one
Gaunt, Alan / Budry, Edmond Louis
Yours is the kingdom
Herbert, Nick
Yours is the kingdom (Unlimited Songbook Version)
Fielding, Ben / Hastings, Benjamin / Morgan, Reuben / Sampson, Marty
Yours is the kingdom, and the power
Houston, Joel Timothy