A voice by Jordan's shore
Longfellow, Samuel
A voice cries in the wilderness
Sharpe, Anthony
A voice cries out in the wilderness
Carroll, Paul
A voice cries out in the wilderness (Joncas)
Joncas, Jan Michael
A voice is heard in the dewy dawn
Authorship not stated
A voice of love is calling
Turl, Emma
A voice spoke from heaven
Quinn, James
A voice upon the midnight air
Martineau, James
A wassail, a wassail throughout all this town!
Folk Song in England (1967 London, Lloyd)
A wealth of grace and truth replete
Munro, G.M.
A widow, she weeps in the foothills of Moab
Ainger, Lois M.
A widowed mother lost her son
Thrupp, Dorothy Ann (oka Iota, oka D.A.T.)
A wiggly, waggly worm, a slippery, slimy slug
Field, Paul
A windmill needs the power of the wind
Piper, Helen
A winter rose shall flower
Stanbrook Abbey
A witness telling what she knew
Wren, Brian Arthur
A woman and a foreigner
Fraser, Ian Masson
A woman in a world of men
Wren, Brian Arthur
A woman in her grief
Boyce-Tillman, June (née Boyce, June and formerly Tillman, June)
A woman in the crowd quietly hides her defiling blood (Definitive version)
Wren, Brian Arthur
A woman in the crowd quietly hides her defiling blood (Praising a Mystery)
Wren, Brian Arthur
A wonderful Saviour is Jesus, cleansing the
Slater, Richard
A wonderful Saviour is Jesus, my Lord
Alstyne, Frances Jane van (née Crosby) [Pseudonyms: Francis, Grace J. and Crosby, Fanny]
A wonderful Saviour is Jesus, my Lord (Salvation Army 2015 Version)
Alstyne, Frances Jane van (née Crosby) [Pseudonyms: Francis, Grace J. and Crosby, Fanny]
A wondrous wheel of providence
Irons, Joseph
A wondrous wine there is
Berridge, John
A word is spoken by the One
James, Steve
A word to a young girl but half understood
Cotter, Jim
A work hath Christ for thee to do
Sedding, Edward Douglas
A workman in a village home
A world in pain, a baby's cry
Idle, Christopher Martin
A world once rent by turmoil
Pratt, Andrew Edward
A worthy soldier I would be
Authorship not stated
A worthy song I wish to sing
Govan, W.J.
A wounded man lay by the road
Stuempfle, Hermann G.
A year is dead, a year is born
Hall, (Canon) (Forenames unknown) / Anonymous
Aatmare, Pavitatmare
Bangera, Sheldon
Abba, Abba, Father. You are the potter
Landry, Carey
Abba Father, from your hands
Lundy, Damian
Abba Father, let me be yours and yours alone
Bilbrough, Dave
Abba, Father, Lord, we call thee
Hawker, Robert Stephen
'Abba, Father,' Lord, we call thee (New Bible Hymn-Book Version)
Hawker, Robert Stephen
'Abba, Father' now we call thee
Hawker, Robert Stephen
Abba, Father, oh, what wonders
Poseck, Miss Catherine Helene von
Abba, Father, send your Spirit
Vissing, Virginia [oka Vissing, Rosalie] / Lundy, Damian
'Abba, Father,' still we call thee
Hawker, Robert Stephen
Abba, Father, thus we call thee
Hawker, Robert Stephen
'Abba, Father' thus we greet thee
Hawker, Robert Stephen
Abba, Father, we adore thee
Abba, Father, we adore thee (Believers Hymn Book Version)
Hawker, Robert
Abba, Father, we approach thee
Deck, James George
Abba, Father, we approach thee (Spiritual Songs version)
Deck, James George
Abba, Father, we are your children
Kendrick, Graham Andrew
'Abba, Father', words of mercy
Poseck, Miss Catherine Helene von
Abba, Father, worthy is your name
Hampton, Steve
Abba Father, you are worthy
Hudson, Michael
Abele serer serer idim pe okairti
Anonymous Torres Strait Island
Abide among us with thy grace
Winkworth, Catherine / Stegmann, Josua
Abide in me, my Saviour
Costello, E.
Abide with me, abide with me
Maher, Matt / Redman, Matt / Ingram, Jason / Crowder, David
Abide with me, fast falls the eventide
Lyte, Henry Francis
Abide with me, fast falls the eventide (Golden Bells Version)
Lyte, Henry Francis
Abide with me! fast falls the eventide (The Gospel Hymn Book Version)
Lyte, Henry Francis
Abide with me—I need thee ev'ry hour
Authorship not stated
Abide with me; fast falls the eventide (Redemption Songs Version)
Lyte, Henry Francis
Abide with me; fast falls the eventide (Yattendon Hymnal Version)
Lyte, Henry Francis
Abide with me: fast falls the eventide (Sunday School Hymnary Version)
Lyte, Henry Francis
Abide with me: fast falls the eventide (The Keswick Hymn Book Version)
Lyte, Henry Francis
Abide with us, dear Lord
Anonymous / Anonymous German
Abide with us, O Lord
Abiding abiding
Root, Charles B. J.
Abiding, abiding (The Gospel Hymn Book Version)
Root, Charles B. J.
Abiding, O, so wondrous sweet! (The Gospel Hymn Book Version)
Root, Charles B. J.
Abiding, oh, so wondrous sweet!
Root, Charles B. J.
Abiding, oh, so wondrous sweet! (Redemption Songs Version)
Root, Charles B. J.
Able to save, able to keep
Bearcroft, Norman
About that night in Bethl'hem
Hastings, Gary / Davison, William Donald / Caird, Donald Arthur Richard / Cathmhaoil, Aodh Mac
About the field they piped full right
Commonplace Book (c.1500 Hill) / Bodleian MS (1460-1490)
About times and seasons, we know this is right
Psalmody Committee of the Free Church of Scotland
Above all else
Beeching, Victoria Louise (Vicky)
Above all powers, above all kings
LeBlanc, Lenny / Baloche, Paul
Above all we must understand
Psalmody Committee of the Free Church of Scotland
Above and below me
Jordan, Leslie / Leonard, David / Mooring, Jack / Mooring, Leeland
Above, beyond the mountain top
Niedzwiedz, Mark
Above every name is the name of Jesus
Peterson, John Willard / The Song of Christ's Glory
Above the clash of creeds
Kendrick, Graham Andrew
Above the clear blue sky
Chandler, John
Above the fields
Mowbray, David
Above the moon earth rises
Troeger, Thomas H.
Above the peaks the angels sing
Gibson, Colin Alexander
Above the starry spheres
Caswall, Edward / Anonymous Latin / Ambrose of Milan (oka Ambrosius)
Above the voices of the world around me
Dudley-Smith, Timothy
Above the waves of earthly strife
Kidder, Mary Ann (née Pepper)
Above the world there rises high
Rickett, Joseph Compton
Above the world-wide battlefield through long and warring years
Brand, William John
Above this earthly home of ours
Authorship not stated
Above us in glory, now Mary look down
Hodgetts, Michael William
Abraham, Abraham, give us
Lunn, Andrew John