We welcome all feedback, be it suggestions for new features, updated information, or the reporting of data errors or software problems. If we are not told about them, we can’t put them right in future editions.
Trouble Logging In?
Existing subscribers will need to re-register their Activation Code and Serial Number onto the new system and create a new password.
Getting Started Guide
To help get you up and running as smoothly as possible, we've created a very short YouTube video:
Data Errors
Despite our painstaking efforts to be 100% accurate in all aspects of the program, clearly with a project of this size there will inevitably be errors – just as there were in many of the hymn books we have been working with.
If you come across information which is contrary to that shown in the database we would like to know. Please be aware however that the HymnQuest Working Party have used their own expertise and consulted appropriately where information about a hymn differs between source books or access to later scholarship provides new light. We would be grateful therefore, only to receive notification of errors you know to be wrong.
Sales & Technical enquiries:
Stainer and Bell Ltd
Victoria House
23 Gruneisen Road
London N3 1LS
Tel: 0208 343 3303
General enquiries:
The Pratt Green Trust