
A brand new version of our renowned hymn and worship song database

The same exhaustive data, with new and improved search features

Explore more than 50,000 Hymns
34,000 Full Texts & 25,000 Tunes 

HymnQuest is a unique software program developed by The Pratt Green Trust, a charity devoted to the advancement of hymnody and music in worship. It’s the most comprehensive ever published in its field, containing over 48,000 first lines and choruses, the full text of 34,000 hymns and songs from over 530 hymn books and publications.

The opening bars of over 25,000 melodies can be both viewed and heard, and the indexes list tune names and metres; biblical, lectionary, thematic, liturgical and seasonal references, as well as information and pictures of authors, composers and translators. It’s even possible to search for tunes by playing the opening notes on a Virtual Keyboard – we’re told by experts in the field, that HymnQuest was the world’s first software to offer such a facility!

NOTE: Existing subscribers will need to re-register their Activation Code and Serial Number onto the new system.

Also, to help get you up and running as smoothly as possible, we've created a very short YouTube video: