Here we provide a selection of useful hymn-related resouces which compliment the extensive work carried out in the HymnQuest Project.
Hymn Stories
A list of books and sources which give excellent background information about hymns.
A Hymn A Day – Choices for a different theme every day for a year
How do those using HymnQuest begin to look at the thousands of full texts to see which have treasure for them? This article suggests how you can discover the work of some modern writers by exploring just one a day.
Bible Studies
One of the ways in which hymns can enrich our Christian lives is by becoming the springboard for bible study. This is doubly enriching in that it enlivens our study of the biblical text, and fills out our understanding of the hymn when we come to sing it. In inviting contributions for this selection of studies we have concentrated on contemporary material, and for a number, we have asked authors to provide a biblical study of one of their own hymns.
Note: The copyright in these bible studies vests in their authors. Permission is given for them to be reproduced by HymnQuest purchasers for local use. Wider or commercial use requires their consent.
All hail the power of Jesu’s name: by Edward Perronet
An upper room did our Lord prepare. by Fred Pratt Green. Study by Alan Luff.
Angels watch in awesome wonder. Study by the author Andrew Pratt.
Born in Song. Study by the author, Brian Hoare.
Christ is God’s never changing ‘Yes’. Study by the author Alan Gaunt.
Christ triumphant ever reigning. Study by the author Michael Saward.
Creatures once in safety held. Study by the author Janet Wootton.
Dear Lord and Father of mankind: by John Greenleaf Whittier. Study by David Wright.
Dear Mother God, your wings are warm around us. Study by the author Janet Wootton.
For the fruits of all Creation: by Fred Pratt Green. Study by Linda J. Williams
I danced in the morning (Lord of the Dance) by Sydney Carter. Study by Janet Wootton
Give to me, Lord, a thankful heart. Study by the author Caryl Micklem.
Guide me O thou great Jehovah: by William Williams. Study by David Wright
How sweet the name of Jesus sounds: by John Newton. Study by David Wright
Jesus, come! for we invite you. Study by the author Christopher Idle.
Love is of God: in love his love is known. Study by the author James Quinn.
Love soars where eagles cease to fly: by Andrew Pratt. Study by the author Andrew Pratt
Nature with open volume stands: by Isaac Watts. Study by David Wright
Praise, my soul, the King of heaven: by Henry Francis Lyte. Study by David Wright
Souls of men! Why will ye scatter: by F W Faber. Study by David Wright
Strong Son of God, Immortal Love: Alfred Tennyson. Study by David Wright
The Promised Land. Study by Janet Wootton
The God of Abraham praise: by Thomas Olivers. Study by David Wright
When in our music God is glorified by Fred Pratt Green. Study by Alan Luff.
When prophets are silent and faith a distortion. Study by the author Andrew Pratt.
Who is my mother, Who is my brother? Study by the author Shirley Erena Murray